
The City of Steinbach places significance on having a beautiful and sacred place to honour loved ones who have passed on.


Pioneer Cemetery is located on Reimer Avenue, Memorial Cemetery is located on McKenzie Avenue at Brandt Street, and Heritage Cemetery is located on Loewen Boulevard at Hespeler Street N. The City carries out all general maintenance and interment procedures. 

The administration office for our cemeteries is located at the City of Steinbach Operations Building, 51 Millwork Drive. Hours of operation are Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 12 Noon, 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm
Between the hours of 3:00 pm to 5:00 pm by appointment only.

If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail cemeteries@steinbach.ca or call 204.346.6211.


Please respect the following policies when visiting any of the City’s cemeteries.

  1. A Cemetery is a sacred place and all persons shall conduct themselves in a quiet, orderly manner and shall not disturb any services being held, by noises or otherwise. No person may walk on any plot, except Cemetery Staff in the performance of their duties and responsibilities, and the public while gathering for a graveside service.
  2. No person shall write upon, scratch, deface or damage any monument, fence, building or other structure or equipment in or belonging to the Cemetery.
  3. No person shall pick any flower, damage any tree or shrub, or remove any tree, shrub or plant form the Cemetery, without authorization from the City of Steinbach.
  4. No congregation or other large assembly shall be permitted at the Cemetery except for the purposes of a burial or a memorial service.
  5. Pets must be leashed and owners must clean up after their pets.
  6. Vehicles shall travel through the cemetery by way of roadways only and not in excess of 20 km/h. No person shall cause a vehicle to leave the roadway in such a way as to cause damage to any turf.
  7. Persons entering the Cemetery do so at their own risk and waive any claims to redress from the City of Steinbach for injury or accidents while on the grounds.
  8. Water available in the Cemetery is not fit for drinking.
  9. The Cemetery will be open for visitors every day from sunrise to sunset.

View Full Cemetery Policy
Your respect and cooperation is greatly appreciated.

Fee Schedule

Regular Plot2,000.00
Child Plot (under 4 years)650.00
Cremation Plot1,350.00
Columbarium Niche3,500.00
Child (under 4 years)300.00
Columbarium (First Interment)Included
Second Interment in Columbarium75.00
Weekend/Holiday - Casket415.00
Weekend/Holiday - Child150.00
Weekend/Holiday - Cremation150.00
Weekend/Holiday - Columbarium150.00
Late Arrival (Labour per half hour after 5 p.m.)  75.00
Disinterment - Casket1050.00
Disinterment - Child (under 4 years)450.00
Disinterment - Cremation300.00
Disinterment - Columbarium75.00
Bronze Plaque for Columbarium NicheIncluded
Interment Rights Transfer Administration Fee50.00
Return of Interment Rights of Plot or Niche to CityOriginal Cost Less Administration Fee

























*All fees subject to GST

