Cost Sharing Programs

Tree PlantingNeighborhood Playgrounds

Boulevard Tree Planting Program

Application for Funds

Applications require a coordinated approach from residents. The program requires multi-resident participation from applying neighborhoods. Requests from a single resident will not qualify for program funds. A spokesperson should be designated by the neighborhood to be the contact with the City throughout the project.

All requests for the funding of boulevard tree projects must be made in writing to the City of Steinbach.

Requests must include a plan for the tree planting, including location of curbs and boulevards, public sidewalks, private approaches, underground structures, above-ground structures, overhead wires, proposed location of trees, proposed species of trees, and proposed planting size of trees.

Cost Sharing Maximum
The City will consider up to a maximum of $5,000 per annual budget for the purposes of boulevard tree projects, cost-shared 50/50 with the landowner or neighborhood.

The City will issue tax-deductible receipts for donations made to a tree-planting project approved by the City.

View Boulevard Tree Planting Program details

Neighborhood Playground Program

Application for Funds

All requests for the funding of neighborhood playground projects must be made in writing to the City of Steinbach.

Requests must include a plan for the development of the park.

Cost Sharing Maximum
The City will consider up to a maximum of $11,000 per annual budget for the purposes of neighborhood playground projects, cost-shared 50/50 with the neighborhood.

The City issues tax-deductible receipts for donations made to a neighborhood playground project approved by the City.

View Neighborhood Playground Cost-Share Program details

For additional information about City cost sharing programs, call 204.346.6216 or email

