By-LawsConstruction Specifications
Building By-Law
This by-law provides information regarding the building construction process including permits and guidelines within the City of Steinbach.
Zoning By-Law
This by-law provides information and detailed maps of the City's land use zones. It specifies the permitted uses (e.g. commercial or residential and the required building standards (e.g. size and location) in each zone.
Zoning By-Law Zoning By-Law Map Land Use Applications
Dwelling Safety Standards By-Law
This by-law addresses the minimum obligations property owners must provide within their residential dwellings.
Dwelling Safety Standards By-Law Additional Information
Plumbing & Draining
Regulates all plumbing and drainage work in the City.
Sewer/Water Impact Fees
Regulates sewer and water impact fees due to the development of non-residential land.
Capital Development Fees - Effective January 1, 2024
Sump Pits & Pumps
Regulates the installation of sump pits and sump pumps within the City.
Residential Capital Development Fees
Regulates fees related to the subdivision and development of residential land.
Capital Development Fees - Effective January 1, 2024
Non-Residential Capital Development Fees
Regulates fees related to the subdivision and development of non-residential (commercial) land.
Capital Development Fees - Effective January 1, 2024
Regulates the excavations on, in, or under streets in the City.
Excavation By-Law Excavator Licence Application
The following resources provide information on the building and zoning regulations required for legal construction in Steinbach.
Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of information contained in these publications. However, in the event of a discrepancy between these brochures and the governing City of Steinbach By-law, the By-law will take precedence.
Secondary Suites
A secondary suite is an accessory dwelling unit added to or created within a single family residence that can be rented and provides basic requirements for living, sleeping, cooking, and sanitation. All secondary suites must conform to the Manitoba Building Code as well as City by-laws.
Detached Garages & Storage Sheds
A booklet outlining the construction and zoning requirements for residential garages, sheds and gazebos.
Swimming Pools
A booklet outlining the construction requirements and building permit application and inspections process for swimming pools. Click here to view additional information.
A booklet outlining the construction and zoning requirements for residential fences.
Wood Decks
A booklet outlining the construction and zoning requirements for residential wood decks.