All speed zones are reviewed by City Council. Speed zones are established in accordance with Federal and Provincial standards. The maximum urban speed limit is 50 km/h on City streets, 30 km/h in school zones during posted hours, and 30 km/h on access lanes unless otherwise posted.
When reporting an outage, be prepared to provide the street address and the nature of the street light problem (not working, blinking, etc).
IMPORTANT: For overhead street light outages (not traffic lights), please contact Manitoba Hydro immediately. Call 1-888-MBHYDRO (1-888-624-9376) during regular business hours or use the Report a Street Light Problem link at
For ornamental street light outages on Main Street or Elmdale Street please contact the city's Public Works Department.
Manitoba’s Department of Infrastructure and Transportation maintains traffic signals in Steinbach. Manitoba Department of Infrastructure and Transportation maintain all traffic signs that are installed in the public right-of-way along PTH 12 and PTH 52 and are within City limits. To report a problem, contact the Manitoba Department of Infrastructure and Transportation office at 204.346.6266.
All traffic signs installed in the public right-of-way of all other streets are maintained by the City of Steinbach. Traffic signs may include stop signs, yield signs, speed zone signs, directional signs, etc. To report a damaged or missing traffic sign, contact the Public Works Department during regular business hours call 204.346-6211. Please be prepared to provide the street address or location and the type of sign requiring attention. Persons reporting a malfunction are requested to provide the location and the nature of the problem. The more information you can provide, the easier it will be for the problem to be corrected.
Persons requesting a review of a speed zone or the installation of a traffic sign must do so in writing to City Council at 225 Reimer Avenue, Steinbach, MB R5G 2J1. Your request should include the exact location (by sketch if appropriate) and the reasons for the request. Upon review of the request by City Council, the matter may or may not be further referred to the Highway Traffic Board of Manitoba for final approval.