320 Hanover Street - Purchase and Removal of House

End date: October 20, 2021

The City of Steinbach will be accepting sealed bids for the purchase and removal of the following house in Steinbach, Manitoba:


Bid instructions are below. They will also be available for all interested parties starting Tuesday, October 5, 2021 at 9:00 a.m. at the office of:

City of Steinbach
Operations Building
51 Millwork Drive
Steinbach, MB R5G 2J1

Contact: Paul Penner
Phone: 204.371.3430
Email: ppenner@steinbach.ca
Fax: 204.346.6239

Bids will be received at the City of Steinbach Operations Building at the above address until 2:00 p.m. Wednesday, October 20, 2021.

The house can be viewed by calling Paul Penner at 204.371.3430 for an appointment.

The City of Steinbach reserves the right to reject all bids and to accept any bid it considers advantageous. The highest bid may not necessarily be accepted.

Bid Information and Instructions


Home – Approx. 1260 sq. ft. plus carport

The City of Steinbach will be accepting sealed bids for the purchase and removal of the house located at 320 Hanover Street in Steinbach, Manitoba.

Bid Instructions

  • All moving costs to be included in the bid.
  • Identify which trees if any that would need to be removed, the cost of removal and clean up to be included in the bid. 
  • Moving permits including the City of Steinbach moving permit are the responsibility of the bidder. Destination of house and moving route shall be provided.
  • The City of Steinbach will be responsible for knocking down the foundation walls and filling in the hole once the house has been removed.
  • Any damage caused because of the move to public right of ways, streets and private property shall be the responsibility of the bidder.
  • All permits and zoning approvals if applicable are the responsibility of the bidder.

Tender Bid Document 

Bids will be received by the City of Steinbach until 2:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 20, 2021 at:             

City of Steinbach
Operations Building
51 Millwork Drive
Steinbach, MB R5G 2J1
Attn: Paul Penner

NOTE: Contact Paul Penner 204.346.6564 Operations Manager, City of Steinbach to arrange a site meeting to review trees, shrubs and fencing that will need to be removed.
