You play an important role in snow clearing activities and safety every winter. Read more...
View the City of Steinbach's 2023 Winter-Spring Quarterly Newsletter. Learn more...
Park Road West will reopen to traffic starting Thursday, October 26, 2023.
October 25 – the tennis courts are also now closed for the season. Click for more updates...
The Steinbach Aquatic Centre is offering Drop-in Adult Lessons, Whipkick and Breaststroke Clinics and more!
October 18 - The 2023 Annual Sewer Cleaning and Televising Program is complete.
The City of Steinbach is updating the City’s Official Community Plan and Zoning By-Law and is seeking your input.
Please note the following regarding City services for this upcoming long weekend.
Saturday and Sunday, 3:15-5:00pm at the TG Smith Arena
Monday to Friday from 8am-5pm and Saturday from 9am-4pm.
Please note the following regarding City services for this upcoming weekend...