Please note the following regarding City services for this upcoming long weekend.
Saturday and Sunday, 3:15-5:00pm at the TG Smith Arena
Monday to Friday from 8am-5pm and Saturday from 9am-4pm.
Please note the following regarding City services for this upcoming weekend...
Happening Tuesday, October 3, from 6-8pm.
Friday, September 29th is the due date for property owners to pay their annual tax bills.
The City of Steinbach is pleased to announce the renaming of the former Hampton Village Park. Read more...
Swimming Lessons registration started September 12-14. Youth Rec Hockey registration starts September 22.
September’s Resident Open Door Day has been moved to Friday, September 22.
Scheduled September 15–16, 2023.
City Hall remains open during reconstruction— scheduled to begin Monday, September 11.
Hours for City services and facilities, including the Steinbach Aquatic Centre.